Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ready or Not here we Go!

Ok- where do we start?

How about introductions.
First (the oldest guy gets to go first) is Dennis Armitage, joining Dennis is his oldest son Kris Armitage, I'm George Richmond and my wife is Lisa.

Ok- this blogging is tougher then I thought it would be!

I had this bright idea that a blog would be a good way to keep the Sunrise Rotary Club and family and friends up to speed on this trip, but like most of my ideas it's turning into more work than expected.

So what's the trip all about? Most of you know but for those just tuning in it's like this, last spring the Dawson Creek Sunrise Club heard a presentation from a Coal Miner from Tumbler Ridge. Not a typical miner this Eric Blackburn fellow, he spoke about the desperate need of the people of Nicaragua and in specifically about the plight of single mothers and their need for a way to make a honest living. (but I'm not going to write this whole story - check out his web page at www.worldkidsfoundation.org) Eric pitched a project for a Sewing Centre in the jungle village of Cangrejo and the Sunrise signed on to fund it.

So fast forward to the present, Eric and his team have the Sewing Centre built and we're off for the Grand Opening and Dedication Ceremony!

So Dennis, Lisa and I drive to Edmonton on Thursday where Kris will join us for a 6 am (shuttle gets us at 3 am) Departure to Houston Tx then on to Managua where Eric meets us and the adventure begins.

Better get packing!



  1. Thanks George for getting this organized. Now we have :
    George: senior technolgy expert
    Lisa: seamstress extrordinaire and C.O. of three male travellers
    Kris Spanish interpreter and young enthusiast
    Dennis carrying the bags or maybe being the baggage!!

  2. Yes George thanks for setting up this blog - now I will be able to follow your adventures - have fun.

  3. Have a safe trip guys and I hope you arrive in Nicaragua with no travel stories. I look forward to the postings from the senior technology expert or should I say senor?
